Research article

Outlook for the Paris market


Expansion and infrastructure are key to the city’s future growth

We anticipate continued growth in prime Paris prices, but at a slower rate as the ‘bounce back’ ends. We also expect the geography of prime Paris to expand as demand outweighs limited stock available in this land-constrained city.

Major infrastructure projects, such as Grand Paris and the Olympic Games, will support growth of outer Paris and the Île-de-France residential markets. There is specific growth potential around new and expanded stations.

La Défense financial district

La Défense financial district

The European Central Bank is not anticipated to increase interest rates until the autumn of 2019. Any rises in the near term are likely to be small and will mainly impact the mainstream markets.

London looks to remain Europe’s financial capital in the wake of Brexit, but Paris is set be the biggest beneficiary of any job relocations. Paris’s vibrancy, relative scale and ease of access to London gives it an edge over its other European rivals.

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